Free TeleSeminars

NOTICE: When you register we'll send you our TeleSeminar schedule. You'll be able to talk directly to Dr. Grossman and get your questions answered.

Do you have a question? Which subjects would you like Dr. Grossman to cover during future TeleSeminars?

What People are Saying about the Seminars:

"Thank you so much for your TeleSeminar. It truly opened my eyes and with the gained knowledge I'm sure I will be propelled to great heights. I truly enjoy your art and skills and look forward to future TeleSeminars as well as your Ebooks, Wow!"
-- Ron Owens

"The TeleSeminar was excellent. I know everyone from all over the country...and Canada and Venezuela as well...enjoyed it as much as I did. I can't wait for the next one."
--Becky and Caitlin from North Carolina

"I took the phone seminar tonight and I want to thank you for the session. I came out of it much happier and with more energy than I've had in a long time. It was tremendous! In fact, I told my mom...who is 80 years old and legally blind...and she is going to be with you the next time. She is really excited!"
--Shawn Davis

"If anyone has any questions about hypnosis I would highly recommend listening in on this TeleSeminar. I had many of my questions answered on one of these calls."
-- Anthony Burgess

"So often when you start a program like this it’s hardly ever that you can get to speak to the Doctor/Producer of such programs in person and this is the biggest help of all. Dr. Ken’s service is very personal and you'll feel like he is your best friend for a long time to come."
-- Sally Fernandes

Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy with over 30 years experience.